Text To Image - 20220203-dannydevos-01 aka Kenneth Anger

An image generated by Artifical Intelligence from the text description 'danny devos' on Thursday 3 February 2022 at 12:26 to commemorate the birth of film director Kenneth Anger as Kenneth Wilbur Anglemeyer on Thursday 3rd of February 1927 in Santa Monica, California, United States.

More AI generated images are in the Text To Image section.

3D-print (2 pieces) Lavender Purple PLA mounted on Grey MDF, 26cm x 47cm x 3cm.
Property of the artist.

Shown at:
  • La Révolte des Machines ou La Pensée Déchaînée de Frans Masereel in S&S Galerie, Borgerhout, Belgium, 2023.
  • Fantastic Voyage through the Body of an Artist in Kiosk, Gent, Belgium, 2024.
  • 1099