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5. England 1805-15
121 - The Amateur Artist

It has been suggested that this subject is related to the painting of 'An Artist's Colourman's Workshop' in the Tate Gallery (5503); but in style and conception it is obviously a companion piece to the 'Garreteer's Petition', No.120, and must therefore have subjectmatter complementary to that. These drawings appear to have been motivated at least in part by the genre pictures of David Wilkie (see No.117), but they are primarily satires in the manner of Hogarth: the 'Garreteer' can be compared with Hogarth's print of the ‘Distressed Poet' of 1736 (Ronald Paulson, Hogarth's Graphic Works, 1965, No. 145, pl.156). Turner's line 'Sinking from thought to thought a vast profound' appears on Hogarth's plate, with its original context, altered from Book I of Pope's Dunciad. Turner's use of symbolic pictures in the 'Amateur Artist' is also a device characteristic of Hogarth. It may even be that the medium of pen and brown wash was suggested by Hogarth's drawings.

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