6. Synthesis 1814-19
185 - A Frontispiece: Fairfaxiana

Intended as the frontispiece to the volume of drawings made by Turner of the collection of Fairfax relics at Farnley. Ruskin acquired the drawing ‘in exchange for some Liber proofs from Mr Stokes of Gray's Inn'. Stokes (Turner's stockbroker, who was responsible for the catalogue of Turner's engraved works in the appendix to Thornbury's Life, 1862, 11, p.352 ff.) supplied Ruskin with a note reporting that Turner had told him ‘Fairfaxiana are a set of drawings I made for Mr Fawkes of subjects relating to the Fairfax property which came into Mr Fawkes' family and I did this for the frontispiece. The helmet, drinking cup and sword were those of a knight of that family who was called Black Jack.' Ruskin regarded the drawing as 'faultless' in its use of 'pure watercolour' and recommended his students to copy it. The 'Fairfaxiana' album is still at Farnley; it is not clear why the frontispiece became separated from it. See Hermann 1968, p.77.

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