6. Synthesis 1814-19
193 - A Rocky Pool with Heron and Kingfisher

Finberg relates this watercolour with a study of rocks in the 'Scottish Pencils' series (T.B.LVIII-52); it has, therefore, been suggested (e.g. by Martin Hardie, Mezzotints of Sir Frank Short, 1939, p.29, No.65) that the subject is 'A Scottish Dell'. It is difficult to find more than a broad similarity between the two compositions, however, and the traditional title 'A Lonely Dell, Wharfedale' may perhaps retain a correct identification though it is unlikely to have been Turner's own.
The drawing seems to date from about 1818, when the Richmondshire series were executed; it has strong affinities with these, and with 'Weathercote Cave' (B.M. 1910-2-12-281) in particular; though if it represents a scene in Scotland it may date from somewhat earlier.

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