6. Synthesis 1814-19
197 - Rüdesheim looking to Bingen Klopp

A small pencil sketch in the 'Waterloo and Rhine’ sketchbook (T.B.CLX, f.66r) is inscribed ‘Rüdesheim' but is not of this view. It is probable, however, that the bottom drawing on ff.70v - 71r is a panoramic sketch of the scene, which occurs again at the top of the next opening 71v - 72r; another little composition sketch in the same place, inscribed ‘Rüdesheim', shows the buildings to the right in greater detail. The subject was one of the fifty-one Rhine views acquired by Fawkes (see No.195), and was sold at the Ayscough Fawkes sale, Christie's, 27 June 1890 (4).

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