Peter Kurten 2


Born 20 sep 1959 in Vilvoorde.
Lives in Antwerpen.
Works everywhere.

Since 1979:
one hundred and seventy-four performances in forty-six cities in twelve countries; twenty-nine personal exhibitions in fourteen cities in seven countries; one hundred and twenty-three group exhibitions in thirty cities in nine countries; two hundred fifty-eight articles in seventy-four magazines and newspapers; sixty-six catalogues by forty-seven publishers; ninety-four videos on; sixteen dj-sets on; four thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight posts on; six hundred and forty-seven posts on; two hundred and forty-six posts on; two hundred and eleven posts on; forty-nine posts on; thirty-three posts on; multiple posts on; multiple posts on and; four pages and three applications on; one email adress ddv[at]this website ....

It is difficult to say as a guy, but I felt as if I was being raped. (al. 1993)

It was an impressive and disturbing set. DDV’s performance especially made a deep impression on me, and even then I didn’t feel he quite reached the limit (wherever that might be). I am fascinated and I find everything so confronting that I no longer really know what to do with all my impressions now. (avdv. 2003)

I wept during your performance with emotion, excitement, with everything all at once. It was that good. As I said to someone, it was like sex. As if your ‘being’, your ‘soul’ is penetrated. (s. 2010)

Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be the Whole of the Law.