PERFORMAN DDV is a catalogue of all performances by Belgian Artist Danny Devos from 1979 to 2011.

DANNY DEVOS is an influential Belgian artist working in performance, body art, installations and industrial music since the late 1970s. He explores existential, social and artistic border situations and confrontation with his audience. He created 160 performances, many dealing with endurance, personal danger and psychological terror. His 1990s sculptures and installations are inspired by true crime, for which he corresponded with several multiple murderers in Belgium and the U.S.A.

PERFORMAN DDV is the first major publication on his performance work and comes in a luxury edition:
230x300mm - 320 pages - 275 photos b/w + colour
12-page interview by Jacoba Bruneel
150g/m2 multidesign white, smyth sewn
hardcover suede coquillage + blind stamp + dust jacket
979 copies + 21 signed and numbered

isbn: 978-9-0811-4263-2
retail price: 59,- €

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