Modern Archaeology - Erzsébet Báthory
Modern Archaeology - Erzsébet Báthory

A heavy metal frame carries an iron hook, taken from the kitchen of Erzsébet Báthory aka Die Blutfrau in Burg Lockenhaus, Austria. Supposedly in Burg LockenhausBáthory forced young virgins in her 'Iron Maiden' and showered in their blood.

Metal, glass, photo, found objects, 40cm x 40cm x 5cm.
Property of the artist.

Shown at:
  • Belgium's Most Bizarre Artist in Ruimte Morguen, Antwerpen, Belgium, 1989.
  • Danny Devos in Maldoror Galerie, Den Haag, Netherlands, 1993.
  • Transfer in Sint-Pietersabdij, Gent, Belgium, 1993.
  • Crime in Art in Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow, Kraków, Poland, 2014.
  • The Collector in S&S Galerie, Borgerhout, Belgium, 2015.
  • 3184