On Kawara is not Dead

As of 16 IX 2006 I have been checking the obituaries in the newspaper regularly to see if On Kawara was still alive. The newspaper pages with the obituaries were stamped with the text “On Kawara is not Dead” and pasted onto each other on a memorial slab.
Each page was photographed and published with a list of the names of the deceased on an internet blog.

16 IX 2006 - 31 X 2010 - 211 solid ink prints of posts on the blog http://onkawaraisnotdead.blogspot.com.

Solid ink prints on paper, cm x cm.
Property of the artist.

Shown at:
  • A Study for the Happiest Man Alive in Annie Gentils Gallery, Antwerpen, Belgium, 2012.
  • Quatre Pièces-Morts in OFFicielle @ Docks - Cité de la Mode et du Design, Paris, France, 2014.
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