Text To Image - 20220308-dannydevos-02 aka Peggy March

An image generated by Artifical Intelligence from the text description 'danny devos' on Tuesday 8 March 2022 at 16:14 to commemorate the birth of pop singer Peggy March known for her 1963 million-selling song ‘I Will Follow Him’ as Margaret Annemarie Battavio on Monday 8th of March 1948 in Lansdale, Pennsylvania, United States.

More AI generated images are in the Text To Image section.

3D-print (2 pieces) Nude PLA mounted on Grey MDF, 26cm x 47cm x 3cm.
Property of the artist.

Shown at:
  • La Révolte des Machines ou La Pensée Déchaînée de Frans Masereel in S&S Galerie, Borgerhout, Belgium, 2023.
  • 593