2. Exploration 1797-1801
033 - Shipping by a Breakwater

Not so far as is known directly related either to a watercolour sketch or drawing on the one hand, or to a larger oil painting on the other; this seems to be an independent composition in its own right. Formerly dated c.1802 (MacColl 1920, p.4) this painting seems very tentative by the side of the sea studies in the ‘Calais Pier' sketchbook of that year (T.B.CXXI; see No.89) and is close to watercolours or gouaches in the 'Wilson' and 'Academical' sketchbooks (T.B.XXXVII and XLIII; examples repr. Wilkinson 1972, pp.57 and 82-3); these can both be dated c. I798.

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