5. England 1805-15
113 - Scarborough

Acquired by Walter Fawkes, who probably bought the drawing from the Academy exhibition in 1811. When it was exhibited at Agnew's in 1967 (No.43) Joll reiterated Finberg's suggestion (Farnley, 1912, No.76 pl.IV) that a smaller version, without the boats, and dated 1809, now in the Wallace collection, was that shown in 1811; but it seems altogether more probable that this very large and elaborate watercolour was intended by Turner for the walls of the Academy. A large 'colour-beginning' the size of the finished watercolour, with the main view lightly indicated and more detailed treatment of the posts and pool to the left, is T.B.CXXVI-C; a smaller one is CXCVI-B. Turner used a similar view of the town, though from a nearer viewpoint, for a drawing in the Ports of England series (T.B.CCVIII-1)

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