Wurger van de Linkeroever

6. Synthesis 1814-19
168 - Plymouth Dock seen from Mount Edgecumbe

This proof of  'Plymouth Dock' (Rawlinson No.99) was folded and addressed on the back to 'Mr W B Cooke, 12 York Place Penton-ville London', postmarked 'Otley 14 Sep 1816'; as Cooke notes, Turner made his corrections while staying at Farnley. The plate was No.60 in Vol.I of Cooke's Picturesque Views of the Southern Coast of England; the drawing was on the market in London in 1973. The Southern Coast series consisted of eighty plates by several different engravers, principally William Bernard Cooke and his brother George. Forty of them were after watercolours by Turner, the remainder from designs by William Westall, Samuel Owen, Peter de Wint, William Havell, William Collins and others. They were issued in sixteen parts spasmodically between 1814 and 1826, but the completed series was bound into two volumes arranged topographically from Kent to Somerset. The series was the first of the extended sequences of designs for engraving which occupied much of Turner's maturity, culminating in the Picturesque Views of England and Wales (Nos.417-34).

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