6. Synthesis 1814-19
180 - Kirby Lonsdale Churchyard

Engraved by C. Heath for Whitaker's History of Richmondshire, 1822, Vol II, P.277 (Rawlinson No.186). Turner had contributed subjects to Whitaker's earlier publications, the histories of Whalley, Craven and Leeds; Richmondshire, intended as part of a large work on Yorkshire as a whole which never materialised, was begun in 1817 and Turner's twenty illustrations appeared between 1819 and 1823. The book was a great success. Turner made extensive tours of the north of England in connection with the project, and the six ‘Yorkshire' sketchbooks, T.B.CXLIV, CXL, CXLVI, CXLVII, CXVLIII, CXLIX, in use between about 1815 and 1818, contain many of the Richmondshire and related subjects. A pencil sketch showing a view of Kirby Lonsdale is on f.58v of the 'Yorkshire' sketchbook No.2 (T.B.CIXV); it is continued on f.58r with a note ‘the Continuation of K L. Cyd View’, but the subject does not correspond with 'Kirby Lonsdale Churchyard'.

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