6. Synthesis 1814-19
181 - Landscape: Composition of Tivoli

Engraved by R. Goodall for John Allnutt, I827 (Rawlinson No.207). This large watercolour was executed before Turner's first visit to Italy; hence the rather periphrastic title which exemplifies Turner's care in specifying the topography of his subjects - a habit instilled into him by his early training. The large 'colourbeginning' in the Turner Bequest (No.182) appears to be a preparatory study for this work. An account of Allnutt's sale in The Times of 20 June 1863 states that the drawing was 'painted especially for Mr Allnutt'. A companion 'The Rise of the River Stour at Stourhead' is supposed to have been executed in the same year, but was not exhibited until 1825 (R.A.465). It is now untraced.

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