6. Synthesis 1814-19
189 - The Drawing Room, Farnley Hall

Compare the pencil drawing of the Library at Farnley on ff.15v and 16 of the 'Farnley' sketchbook (No.188); where the drawing room (including the harp) can be glimpsed through the doorway on the left. The majority of Turner's Farley views are now hung in the drawing room there. In this drawing the 'Dort' can be seen in the centre of the far wall; its colouring is distinctly more blue here than now appears in the painting itself, which was installed in 1818. Turner is known to have made this drawing during his stay at Farnley in November of that year; it seems probable that many, if not all, of the views at Farnley (see also Nos.190-192) were made at that time. Many of the Farnley subjects do not seem to be related to specific drawings in the Turner Bequest, but some of the sketchbooks contain material connected with them, especially the 'Farley and 'Large Farley' sketchbooks, T.B.CLII and CXXVIII, the 'Woodcock Shooting' sketchbook, T.B.CXXIX, the 'Devon Rivers' sketchbook No.2, T.B.CXXXIII, and 'Devonshire Rivers No.3 and Wharfedale' sketchbook, T.B.CXXXIV. The sketches made at Farnley in these books may have been done over a period of several years, from about 1812 onwards. The Farnley interiors precede those drawn at Petworth probably by about ten years. They are larger and, generally, more elaborate; but the medium is the same (bodycolour) and Turner's approach to the depiction of rooms, and to interior lighting, is often similar in each series.

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