Modern Archaeology - Erzsébet Báthory

8. Work and Play 1820-36
260 - The Ports of England Sketchbook - Composition Study for a Classical Subject, with three studies showing (-) Greenwich Park with London in the distance beyond

The free watercolour sketch on f.22 is close in spirit to those on ff.12 and 13 of the 'Scotch Antiquities and London' sketchbook (T.B.CLXx). The watercolour studies of skies, eg. on f.8r are similar to those in the (Skies' sketchbook (T.B.CLVIII) which also appears to have been in use in 1818 and those of ports are close in colour and treatment to the study of Crichton Castle in CLXX. Finberg dates the book c.1822-3, presumably on account of the presence in it of coloured designs which seem to relate to the Ports of England series undertaken for Cooke and published from 1823 onwards. If these drawings are indeed for that publication, the sketchbook may have continued in use until that time.

The small study at the bottom right of f.30 bears some resemblance to the architectural compositions on ff.I, 2 of the 'Mouth of the Thames' sketchbook (T.B.CCLXXVIII) and in T.B.CCCLXIV-243. ff.25v-31v of this book are taken up with composition studies of classical scenes.

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